Following on from the support to the street girl shelter in Yatta TCF30, and the construction of a greenhouse in Ndalani TCF32, Mully Childrens Family requested two greenhouses in Yatta to increase the production of green beans to Europe after MCF received the certificate enabling them to export to Europe as the first indigineous company and as only the second company in Kenya. The project included the entire production system to enable sustainability and independance from donors. 2 ha-sized greenhouses with oversized drip fertigation system that would be able to fertigate up to 8 greenhouses, associated cold chain including A/C packing house and grading room, cold room for storage and transportation system and a water harvesting and drainage system to store 500m3 in an in-ground dam. TCF’s support was leveraged to construct an additional 4 greenhouses.
Implementation 2007 – 2009
Visited 16 July 2010