116 Prosper Mphuka

116 Prosper Mphuka

The PROSPER (Poverty Reduction – Outcome Focused Service Provision for Enhanced Results) project was an integrated food security and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) initiative. The project aimed to contribute to improved livelihoods in Thyolo District in southern Malawi and strengthen the capacity of local government and CBOs to deliver inclusive quality targeted services to the rural poor. The primary objective of the project was to strengthen food security and health status of 3,000 vulnerable households in TA Mphuka, on a sustainable and equitable basis.
The project had two outcome areas: 1] Increased household food production, and 2] Increased access to safe water and basic sanitation facilities. PROSPER was designed to complement the Shared Futures Project, implemented in partnership with AOP with funding from DFAT, by expanding both its reach and scope, specifically in the area of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and in food security through irrigation. The irrigation scheme built ended up able to irrigate 92 hectares of land. The economic boom from the scheme changed the nearby village into a bustling town.

Implementation 2013 – 2016
Visited 20 March 2013